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Privacy Policy

We care about your privacy. Read our policy carefully

Extended information on Data Protection

The entity eCommProjects Internet S.L. complies with the privacy and personal data protection regulations in force in the European Union, particularly with regard to Regulation (EU) 679/2016, known as the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) and LO 3/2018, of December 5, Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (LOPDGDD)

The systems of eCommProjects Internet S.L. are designed taking into account the importance of the fundamental rights of the people whose information is processed, especially the rights to privacy and personal honor. For this, the entity eCommProjects Internet S.L. also complies with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.

In accordance with current regulations, consent given by children under 13 years of age will not be considered valid in the context of Information Society Services, and authorization by parents or legal guardians will be required when the consent is given by minors between the ages of 13 and 18.

In no case will the entity eCommProjects Internet S.L. request information from minors about the socioeconomic situation of their parents or guardians, or any other personal information that is not essential for the provision of services.

The information on data protection that the people whose data is processed by eCommProjects Internet S.L. should be aware of is detailed below.

Responsible for Personal Data

The personal data stored by eCommProjects Internet S.L. is the responsibility of:

Personal data processed

The personal data that is processed by eCommProjects Internet S.L. are:

In the event that any of this data is not provided by the interested party, this may prevent the continuity of the relationship between the entity and the interested party.

In any case, the personal data processed by the entity are the minimum and essential to achieve the corresponding purpose. (See the next section).

Purpose for which Personal Data is processed

At eCommProjects Internet S.L. we can process the information provided by interested parties in order to:

Data retention period

Personal data will be kept by eCommProjects Internet S.L. within the limits established by current legislation based on the services provided, while the commercial relationship is maintained and/or during the time that there may be any liability derived from said relationship. At the end of the period, the data will be destroyed and only those essential for the exercise of future claims will be kept.

Legitimation for the processing of personal data

The processing of your personal data by eCommProjects Internet S.L. takes place supported by one or more of the following legitimations:

Recipients of your personal data

The recipients of your personal data, if applicable in your case as a client or web user, will always be within the framework of a legitimate assignment detailed in a contract. These transfers will take place whenever they are necessary to provide the service contracted by the interested party or to improve their experience.

In addition, personal data may be transferred to other companies of the Integra Media Group in order to offer you the best service. If you also give your unequivocal and explicit consent, these companies may process your personal data to send you offers and advertising messages.

The data collected by eCommProjects Internet S.L. from the users of its website are the following:

The company that can obtain your personal data in this case because it provides eCommProjects Internet S.L. with assistance in maintaining this page is Integra Media Digital S.L., which is part of the IntegraMedia Group.

If you would like to know more about those in charge of the processing of personal data, of other categories of interested parties who are not web users because you belong to one of them (you are a client, worker, supplier, etc.), please let us know at the following email address: [email protected].

Assignments to third countries outside the European Union are not foreseen.


In eCommProjects Internet S.L. automated profiles are created solely with the data obtained from web users. This allows the entity to know the average characteristics of the users of the page in order to offer a digital experience more appropriate to their needs.

Rights over your Personal Data

The interested parties have the right to be confirmed if eCommProjects Internet S.L. treats their personal data or not. In addition, the interested parties have the right to access their personal data, request the rectification of their inaccurate data or its deletion when appropriate. In certain circumstances, the interested parties may also request the limitation of the processing of personal data and the portability of said data to another entity.

In the event that special conditions arise in the situation of the interested party, the latter may also oppose the processing of personal data by eCommProjects Internet S.L., which will imply the immediate cessation of the processing of their personal information and the destruction of this data if the interested party so wishes.

In addition, interested parties have the right to file a complaint with the control authority on the matter, the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, whenever they consider that their data protection rights have been violated. You can obtain more information at

In the event that an interested party wishes to exercise any of their data protection rights, they should contact eCommProjects Internet S.L. at the following postal address: C/Azorín 140, 24010 León, León (Spain).

For more information, you can send an email to the address [email protected], from which you will receive a request form to exercise your rights and the due reply within a maximum period of one month. It is recalled that for the exercise of data protection rights eCommProjects Internet S.L. has the right to verify the identity of the applicant.

The entity eCommProjects Internet S.L. reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy to adapt it to future changes that may take place.

This Privacy Policy is current as of May 10, 2021.

Contact details to exercise your rights:

eCommProjects Internet S.L. C/Azorín 140 - 24010 León, León (Spain). Email: [email protected]

Contact details of the data protection officer: [email protected]